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프리퍼레.. | 24/08/30 04:09 | 추천 0 | 조회 488

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현미경으로 봐야 왜 가성비가 미쳤는지 알수 있는 메이커

마감이 왜 이리 미친듯이 좋은지는....그랜드세이코 공장에서 케이스 생산

참고로 카시오 MRG 도 같은 공장이라고 하네요

Visiting the factory making #grandseiko watch case in koriyama.

This Was the culprit of my trip to Japan.
I was invited to visit the factory in hope for me to work with them and produce a line of watches of my own

This factory based in Fukushima prefecture, produces the weatch case of seiko for already over 60 years.

Akihiro, the director and owner of this company employing around 380 workers, was so generous to take time with me to visit the operation from A to Z.

A bit of recent history.

His company suffered from the earthquake ( building destroyed by the 9.0 earthquake and luckily all employees were safe) and they rebuild the factory in 2013.

They took the opportunity to improve the process to go from a 16 to 12 stamping operation ( creating from a slab of steel a molded case)!. Then these cases are to be milled from a 5D CNC to a turning mill and back to a 5D CNC. This To make all the case ready for polishing. The polishing is by far the most amazing process of the factory and this is a secret part I can not divulge ( all machines used in this process have been mate by this factory for they purpose and well trained worker ( polisher worker have a minimum of 2 years and some time 5 years to learn the job before they can be put on the grand Seiko port production line)). The visit done with Akihiro was so amazing. The Japanese respect, order and perfection really makes me think of working with them. ( Maybe ?) I also learned that the company not only do cases but there is now, in research of diversity ( before this company in the 80is was making more than 6 million watch case per year and now it is 100k)

Now, the company has 3 activities
1 ( watch cases for seiko, grand Seiko, Casio MR-G and Ocean, Credor,...)
2 (surface treatment , IP plating, wet plating for cheap plastic casio turning them in chrome like, DLC, anodized ...)
3. (Making robitics and medical equipments)

Now! Question !
How much work goes in your Grand Seiko case ..... 60 hours of work.
About the surfacing and polishing work I can say that great is not enough for them. They need perfection !
Grand Seiko case have never used coating so they always can polish again.

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하지만 허세따위 필요 없고 품질과 실속이 중요하다 싶으면....솔라충전에 라디오 컨트롤 유지 관리도 필요 없는 정말 가성비 끝판왕




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